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SV ups

click here to read an article x Carina Rivera for Jejune Magazine on SVups.

what is sv ups? 

think “saintvegann upcycle” -  the sustainability measure sv is taking. all pieces are upcycled, one/one clothes that will be available for purchase at a very low price. these include but are not limited to bleached “mistake” clothing, GOOD CONDITION donated clothes, thrifted clothes + “extras” that won’t quite make it to the front of sv. 

why should i do this?

by upcycling your clothes, you are contributing to the greater good. 50% of the price the piece is sold for is going directly to the charity in choice.

where do you source the clothing? 

you. thrift stores. earn up to $20 off your next order when you donate your GOOD CONDITION clothing for the sv ups program. 


shoot an email to saintvegann@gmail.com to get started. 

subject must state SV ups.

clothes are accepted based on need, GOOD CONDITION, + quantity. 

you may not earn the full $20, & your clothing may not be taken.